3M Company

3M Company (MMM)

-$1.09 (1.19%)
#520 Rank in stocks
-$1.09 (1.19%)
Last Update a Minute Ago
Price Range 7 Days A range in which the cryptocurrency price fluctuated within 7d.
$90.37 $92.70
Market Cap Range 7 Days A range in which the cryptocurrency market cap fluctuated within 7d.
$50,009,349,429 $51,296,799,327
MMM compared with Top 5 Most Popular stocks
Price of MMM Asset B Mkt. of B Results
3M Company $5,583.03
$3.09T 61.78x
3M Company $4,738.52
$2.62T 52.43x
3M Company $3,941.82
$2.18T 43.62x
3M Company $3,492.47
$1.93T 38.64x
3M Company $3,485.74
$1.93T 38.57x
Price of MMM with the market cap of B
A hypothetical comparison on what would be the price of A cryptocurrency if it would reach B's Market Cap
3M Company
Market cap
Market Cap is defined as the number of cryptocurrencies in circulation, multiplied by its price.
A sector is an area of the economy in which businesses share the same or related business activity, product, or service.
Shares Outstanding
Shares Outstanding represent the total amount of shares owned by all of the shareholders, including those that cannot be traded for a period of time - such as employee stocks.
The country in which the company's stock is listed on a stock exchange.
3M Company Price Chart (MMM-USD)
Last Update a Minute Ago